Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate
- Ecosystem services provide vital resources (i.e. wood, fibres, water) to the construction and fashion industries
- Climate change can lower worker productivity and has long-term implications on human reproduction and chronic diseases
It’s hard to imagine a world without nature. Economies worldwide depend on ecosystems services to function. The breakdown of these services could have severe consequences for businesses. For instance, wetlands and mangroves are needed to protect infrastructure from floods. These ecosystems help to regulate water flow and manage stormwater runoff. Forests provide us with diverse materials for construction, fuel, and clothing. Losing these ecosystems could disrupt business operations and squeeze supply chains.
Photo source: NatureScot
However, as temperatures rise, ecosystems might not be able to cope with extreme events and disturbances. Even if they survive, climate change could alter natural processes like nutrient storage. 2023 was one of the hottest years on record.
What’s worse – in the tropics, hotter weather worsens existing issues including heat stress and water scarcity. It’s not uncommon to experience hot and humid weather in Singapore. Worryingly, heat strain can lower productivity levels of outdoor workers such as those employed in the construction sector. Heat stress and dehydration can also affect motor performance and worsen workers’ ability to work safely. The International Labour Organization estimates that in just 6 years, up to 3.8% of total working hours could be lost due to climate-related high temperatures.
In the long term, climate change could have impacts on our populations. Current research suggests that climate stressors on human reproduction and chronic health conditions are a growing concern. Changes in human health could place greater strain on existing healthcare systems, place vulnerable populations at higher risk of health complications and worsen mental health.
Looking forward
As climate change intensifies, rising temperatures and extreme weather events will exacerbate pressure on nature and humans. Under PCM’s environmental analysis, we support companies that maintain a safe working environment to keep their workforce healthy and productive. We also evaluate the nature-related dependencies of companies and reinforce mitigative actions to build resilience to nature risks.
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