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Phillip-China Universal MSCI China A 50 Connect ETF

Intraday NAV

25 March 2025, 5:59 pm


Previous Day NAV SGD



Total Assets updated as at 24/3/2025

Total Assets SGD

NAV Tracking Error/DIfference

– / –

1-Year Rolling

Strike with Precision

Invest in China’s 50 Leading Companies

About the Phillip-China Universal MSCI China A 50 Connect ETF

The Phillip China Universal MSCI China A 50 Connect ETF is the first ETF listed on SGX tracking the MSCI China A 50 Connect Index through feeding at least 90% of its assets into the underlying fund, CUAM MSCI China A50 Connect Exchange Traded Fund (the “Underlying Fund”)

The Underlying Fund is an exchange traded fund listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (‘SHSE“) that tracks the performance of the Index by investing at least 80% of its non-cash assets in securities which are constituent securities and alternative constituent securities of the Index (“Index Securities“) and is managed by China Universal Asset Management Co. Ltd

Investment Objective

To provide investment results that, before fees, costs and expenses (including any taxes and withholding taxes), closely correspond to the performance of the MSCI China A 50 Connect Index

Key Features

Efficient way to to access 50 leading companies in China’s A-shares market

Exposure to the second-largest GDP country at a low valuation level

Low management fee (0.01% per annum)

Diversified sector allocation

Methodology of MSCI China A 50 Connect Index

The MSCI China A 50 Connect Index (the “Index“) is constructed from the MSCI China A Index (the “Parent Index“). The Index aims to reflect the performance of the 50 largest securities representing each Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) sector and reflecting the sector weight allocation of the Parent Index

Why invest in Phillip-China Universal MSCI China A 50 Connect ETF

1. Simple, cost-effective way to access China A Shares

Individual foreign investors still face restrictions on direct access to the mainland Chinese stock market. Through the Phillip-China Universal MSCI China A 50 Connect ETF, investors are able to access China A shares, offering access to a dynamic and high-growth market less exposed to global fluctuations. The ETF allows investors access to 50 leading companies in various industries in China’s A-shares through 1- click.

2. Capitalize on the growth potential of the Chinese market   

China boasts a rapid GDP growth rate, potentially outpacing developed markets. Its share of global GDP continues to rise, with an estimated nearly 20% of global GDP. As the world’s second-largest stock market, it presents an undeniable investment opportunity. It is time to access the Chinese market at a low valuation.

3. Invest in leading enterprises with a diversified sector allocation   

According to the index methodology, the ETF invests in leading enterprises with a diversified sector allocation.

Sector Exposure as of 1 March 2024

Top 10 constituents as of 1 March 2024

Easy Accessibility

Excluded Investment Product (EIP)

Investment from as low as S$1.000

Trading currencies include SGD and USD

Listed on SGX

Investment using cash/Supplementary Retirement Scheme

Fund Information

Reference Benchmark MSCI China A 50 Connect Index
Fund Manager Phillip Capital Management (S) Ltd
Underlying Fund CUAM MSCI China A50 Connect ETF
Underlying Fund Manager China Universal Asset Management Co., Ltd
Investment Advisor China Universal Asset Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Base Currency SGD
Trading Currency SGD, USD
SGX Code PHIL-CU MS CHINA A50 S$ (primary currency) (stock code: MCN)

PHIL-CU MS CHINA A50 US$ (secondary currency) (stock code: MCS)

Issue Price SGD $1.000
Inital Offer Period 4th March – 14th March 2024
Listing Date 20 March 2024
Trading Board Lot Size 1 Unit
Management Fee Feeder ETF: Currently 0.01% p.a. (max 0.10% p.a.)

Underlying Fund: Currently 0.50% p.a.

Trustee Fee Feeder ETF: Currently 0.02% p.a. (max 0.10% p.a.)
Custodian Fee Feeder ETF: May exceed 0.10% p.a.

Underlying Fund: Currently 0.10% p.a.

Designated Market Maker Phillip Securities Pte. Ltd
Participating Dealers Phillip Securities Pte. Ltd

Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte. Ltd (for Initial Offer Period only)




Supplementary Prospectus

Product Highlights Sheet

Semi-Annual Report

How to subscribe

Participating Dealers:

Important Information

This material is provided by Phillip Capital Management (S) Ltd (“PCM”) for general information only and does not constitute a recommendation, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any offer to invest in the exchange-traded fund (“ETF”) mentioned herein. It does not have any regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation and any of your particular needs. You should read the Prospectus and the accompanying Product Highlights Sheet (“PHS”) for key features, key risks and other important information of the ETF and obtain advice from a financial adviser (“FA“) pursuant to a separate engagement before invest in the ETF. In the event that you choose not to obtain advice from a FA, you should assess whether the ETF are suitable for you before proceeding to invest. A copy of the Prospectus and PHS are available from PCM and any of its Participating Dealers (“PDs“).

An ETF is not like a typical unit trust as the units of the ETF (the “Units“) are to be listed and traded like any share on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”). Listing on the SGX-ST does not guarantee a liquid market for the Units which may be traded at prices above or below its NAV or may be suspended or delisted. Investors may buy or sell the Units on SGX-ST when it is listed. Investors cannot create or redeem Units directly with PCM and have no rights to request PCM to redeem or purchase their Units. Creation and redemption of Units are through PDs if investors are clients of the PDs, who have no obligation to agree to create or redeem Units on behalf of any investor and may impose terms and conditions in connection with such creation or redemption orders. Please refer to the Prospectus of the ETF for more details.

Investments are subject to investment risks including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. The purchase of a unit in a fund is not the same as placing your money on deposit with a bank or deposit-taking company. There is no guarantee as to the amount of capital invested or return received. The value of the units and the income accruing to the units may fall or rise. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the ETF. There can be no assurance that investment objectives will be achieved.

Where applicable, the ETF may invest in financial derivatives and/or participate in securities lending and repurchase transactions for the purpose of hedging and/or efficient portfolio management, subject to the relevant regulatory requirements. PCM reserves the discretion to determine if currency exposure should be hedged actively, passively or not at all, in the best interest of the ETF.

The information provided herein may be obtained or compiled from public and/or third party sources that PCM has no reason to believe are unreliable. Any opinion or view herein is an expression of belief of the individual author or the indicated source (as applicable) only. PCM makes no representation or warranty that such information is accurate, complete, verified or should be relied upon as such. The information does not constitute, and should not be used as a substitute for tax, legal or investment advice.

The information herein is not for any person in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or availability for use would contravene any applicable law or regulation or would subject PCM to any registration or licensing requirement in such jurisdiction or country. The ETF is not offered to U.S. Persons. PhillipCapital Group of Companies, including PCM, their affiliates and/or their officers, directors and/or employees may own or have positions in the ETF. Any member of the PhillipCapital Group of Companies may have acted upon or used the information, analyses and opinions herein before they have been published.

The Phillip-China Universal MSCI China A 50 Connect ETF will be listed on the SGX and it is tracking the MSCI China A 50 Connect Index through feeding at least 90% of its assets into the underlying fund, CUAM MSCI China A50 Connect Exchange Traded Fund that is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and is manage by China Universal Asset Management Co., Ltd.

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